Sunday, September 8, 2024

Duesers meeting 240906 and 240907

So of course there are more dueserdays. And they are just lovely. On the 6th me and Jackie met up and we walked a little of Tommy Thompson Park, took some photos of Lake Ontario. In the late evening we went to The Duke where Jackie and friends were singing karaoke.
So Saturday came along and we met in classic dueser location, the Patrician Grill. Love to see favourite places being busy but as we only ended up being three people we could stay a bit and talk and eat. Thank you kindly for great company Erica and Claire.
Erica had to go back home but me and Claire went on, destination Little Canada but that's another post, Claire showed me where her uncle had lived and she told me such great stories about his life during the day. I really enjoyed hearing about him.
I also was told what the cat in the dog fountain is looking at, I didn't know that from before... or if I have been told I've forgotten it.
We walked towards Dundas Square on Victoria Street and then you come by the backside of Massey Hall and Ed Mirvish Theatre(apparently used in Slings and Arrows)

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